











【How to Sell】

Please gather at the showcase location in the elevator hall at 12:30 on 11/12 (Sat). Staff will start selling.

The distribution schedule for numbered tickets will be determined according to the number of visitors on the day. Please note that tickets will not be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

If there are many people wanting the same product, it may be decided by lottery, lot drawing, or rock-paper-scissors-scissors.

(*In that case, numbered tickets will be distributed randomly.)
After the first session, you may purchase multiple items depending on the situation.

Please note that it may take time to adjust conditions. We will guide you in order.

Please note that we cannot accept layaway or mail order on the day of release.

We do not currently plan to accept mail order or phone orders after the release date. Please check the mail order page as we will announce the information on the web in due course.

Please refrain from urging us or making requests.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

渋谷店 庄司

【24年-25年 渋谷店 年末年始販売情報】TerribleWhore ドリチン 出します!!

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渋谷店 庄司

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渋谷店 庄司

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渋谷店 庄司

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渋谷店 庄司

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渋谷店 庄司

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