7月10日 Welcome to Nanya! 1日英会話風ショッピング その4 - Laser Tag Time! Sega Zillion Shooting Set

Who's up for some laser tag?

This Wednesday the Mandarake Nanya store in Nakano Broadway will be run by Johnathan, an English staff member.

You can use this as a chance to practice your English while shopping!

(Of course Japanese is ok too!)

You'll find some helpful phrases at the bottom of this entry!

Who's up for some laser tag?

Welcome to Nanya! 1日英会話風ショッピング その4 - Laser Tag Time! Sega Zillion Shooting Set

This is the Sega Zillion Shooting Set, based on the Akai Koudan Zillion anime and Sega's own Master System Game.
これはセガのアニメ 「赤い怪談ジリオン」 とセガのマスターシステムゲームを原作にしたセガのジリオンシューティングセットです。

Welcome to Nanya! 1日英会話風ショッピング その4 - Laser Tag Time! Sega Zillion Shooting Set

This set comes with one light gun and one target. There are lots of different ways to play with one set, but the most common was for one person to run wearing the target and another person try and shoot them. Having two sets meant both players could run and shoot, or even four players could play by splitting the equipment.

Welcome to Nanya! 1日英会話風ショッピング その4 - Laser Tag Time! Sega Zillion Shooting Set

Often with styrofoam packing you tend to break it taking toys out, but this has a handy poking hold to push the light gun out.

Welcome to Nanya! 1日英会話風ショッピング その4 - Laser Tag Time! Sega Zillion Shooting Set

The light gun takes 6 batteries for it to work which can add a little more weight to it.

Welcome to Nanya! 1日英会話風ショッピング その4 - Laser Tag Time! Sega Zillion Shooting Set

The target does have signs of battery leakage, despite a pretty good looking case. As this has not been checked, it's being sold in as-is condition. While you might not be able to play it, it would still make a nice addition to any Sega retro game collection.

Welcome to Nanya! 1日英会話風ショッピング その4 - Laser Tag Time! Sega Zillion Shooting Set Welcome to Nanya! 1日英会話風ショッピング その4 - Laser Tag Time! Sega Zillion Shooting Set Welcome to Nanya! 1日英会話風ショッピング その4 - Laser Tag Time! Sega Zillion Shooting Set

Helpful English Phrases

Excuse me.
How much is this?
I'll buy it.
Can you go any cheaper?
Thank you.

Web ジョナサン


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